Work Package 11: Adolescents and young Adults with cancer
The overall objective of WP11 is to establish a NoE on adolescents and young adults to ensure special challenges of this population are adequately addressed throughout the EU. Such challenges include unique epidemiology, specific tumor biology, insufficient awareness of cancer in this population, diagnostic delay, limited inclusion in clinical trials, psychosocial needs etc. Overall, this WP will ensure a link with the Working Group of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) and the European Society for Paediatric Oncology (SIOPE) on adolescent and young adults with cancer.
Lead beneficiary: UNICANCER
WP11 6-month update (October 2022-March 2023)
• to prepare everything necessary to launch the new Network of Expertise on Adolescents and Young Adults (AYAs) with cancer, that will address the special challenges of this population throughout the EU
• to critically evaluate existing models of current and future EU networking with a view to optimizing the functioning of the new Network of Expertise
• Definition of the scope of the NoE (M47)
• Creation of the core group involving key people from different already existing European projects dedicated to AYAs
• List of the NoE objectives of the future European AYA network
Priorities for the next semester:
• Description of the actions of the NoE, according to the different objectives and definition of the core deliverables (M50)
• Endorsement Criteria (M48)
• Expression of interest (M49)
WP11 12-month update (October 2022-September 2023)