Work Package 16 – Patient Involvement

Work package WP16 – TTF5 – Patient Involvement

This TTF will focus on developing strategies to improve patient empowerment and engagement through European health care cancer networking. The goal will be to develop a toolkit for different methods of patient and citizen engagement that can be tailored to specific contexts and to build on existing national and European patient organization networks for the implementation of the tools.

Three main sources will feed the toolkit: 1) A process of co-construction during several workshops and working groups with established patient organizations. 2) Existing methods of deliberation and participation developed in the field of deliberative democracy. 3) The outcomes of the JA TEHDaS e- consultation on patient and citizen engagement.

Lead beneficiary: SCIENCANO

WP16 6-month update (October 2022-March 2023)


  • Co-construction of a guide to patient engagement tools and methodologies with patient organizations and umbrella organizations
  • Meetings with WP leaders to find out what is happening in the design of the NoEs and what their needs are in terms of patient involvement
  • Meetings with patient organizations (and umbrella organizations) to draw on methodologies based on concrete examples of good practice
  • Update the list of organizations to contact in Europe
  • Learning from the literature 

Priorities for the next semester 

  • Meetings with at least one patient organization per country
  • Draw up a draft methodology and adapt it to the specific needs of NoEs

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