Work Package 4: Sustainability
- Ensure that the established NoEs assemble the best knowledge, skills and facilities available in Europe.
- Support NoEs’ creation by focusing on strategies to guarantee their sustainability and aligning them with European and national policies.
- Contribute to the improvement of EU health care cancer networks ensuring a long-term sustainable model for NoEs.
- Generate policy recommendations and guidance to facilitate the sustainability of NoEs, possibly extending also to other health care networks in the EU.
WP4 6-month update (October 2022-March 2023)
- The dates for the WP4 Monthly meetings were set
- 62 existing EU cancer networks and associations were listed and classified in eight areas of expertise directly linked with the domains of the NoEs that will be established in JANE (Task 4.1)
- Selection of 15 EU networks and associations for in-deep analysis in task 4.1
Figure 2. Selection of 15 EU networks and associations for in-deep analysis in task 4.1

- Definition and validation of a comparative framework of the key characteristics of the networks and associations. The framework is composed by eight dimensions: (1) scope, (2) governance, (3) strategic plan, (4) research, education and services, (5) strategic alliances, (6) communication strategy and tools, (7) ethics legal & regulatory and (8) funding (Task 4.1).
- Development and validation of the ‘Main Concept and Operating procedures of the Policy Board and Policy Dialogues of JANE’ (Task 4.3).
- Nomination of representatives at each Member State for the Policy Board (Task 4.3).
- Development and validation of the ‘Stakeholder Matrix and Stakeholder Forum: main concept and operating procedures’ (Task 4.4).
Figure 3. Methodology for the definition of the Stakeholder Matrix of JANE

Note. In a first phase five key sectors and categories related to the areas of interest of the NoEs were defined. After that the most relevant organizations will be selected and finally specific individuals will be nominated to be part of the Stakeholder Matrix of JANE.
- JANE WP4 Kick-of Meeting, 16 December 2022
- JANE WP4 Monthly Meeting, 22 February 2023
- JANE WP4 Monthly Meeting, 21 March 2023
Priorities for the next semester:
Task 4.1 Mapping and analysis of existing networks
- Complete the analysis for the 15 selected networks, following the framework of analysis
- WP4 partners to review and provide feedback and complement the analysis of the 15 networks
- Analysis of commonalities and differences of each dimension of the framework between organizations.
- Obtention of lessons learnt from the analysis
Task 4.2 Sustainability strategy of Networks of Expertise
- Define key sustainability dimensions derived from the analysis conducted in Task 4.1
- Complement information with:
- Health research
- Conduct surveys and/or interviews with WP leaders
Task 4.3 Policy Board and Policy Dialogues
- Confirm the final list of Policy Board members
- Organize informal coffee meetings with Policy Board Members
- Organize the first Policy Dialogue (define specific topics and organizational aspects)
Task 4.4 Stakeholder Forum
- Nomination of experts to build the Stakeholder Matrix
- Organize the first Stakeholder Forum