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The second Joint Action of the EU on Networks of Expertise on Cancer (JANE-2) was launched in Milan, Italy, on January 28-29, 2025. JANE-2 will be coordinated by Italy through the Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan, Italy, with 121 partners from 29 European countries. It is co-funded by the European Union (EU) with more than 40 million EUR dedicated to the project.
The article Health networking on cancer in the European Union: a “Green Paper” by the EU Joint Action on Networks of Expertise (JANE) is now available online (
On November 28 and 29, WP10 (future network of expertise on hi-tech medical resources) was delighted to host a Kick-Off meeting in beautiful Copenhagen. NoE leader, Prof Jean-Yves Blay (Unicancer, France) and co-leader Prof Julie Gehl (Region Sjælland, Denmark) were present to bring together members from all 7 domains (nuclear medicine, radiomics, innovative radiotherapy, innovative surgery, physical methods of ablation, cell therapies and ex-vivo testing of agents) and welcome key stakeholders to mark the start of this ambitious four year […]
Funded under EU4Health, the Joint Actions JANE and CraNE worked on the establishment of cancer networks. Given their successful implementation and to follow up on their developments, both Joint Actions will continue under EU4Health as JANE-2 and EUnetCCC. Read the article to learn more about them. EU networks for cancer care: EU4Health Joint Actions JANE and CraNE – European Commission
The EU Joint Action on Networks of Expertise on cancer (JANE-2) started on November 1st 2024 with the signature of the Grant Agreement (GAP-101183265) between the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) and 29 beneficiaries from 25 Member States and 4 Associated Countries. The consortium includes 121 partners (competent authorities and their associated entities) and is coordinated by Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (INT), Italy. The duration of the Joint Action is four years (2024 – 2028). Based […]
HaDEA is organizing a half-day pre-conference workshop on the 12th November afternoon (13:30 – 17:00, Lisbon time), titled: “Best practices in EU-wide projects contributing to achieving the objectives of EU Health policies” It will be organized as a panel discussion on the EU4Health program’s role as a driver for innovation and positive change in public health across the EU. Invited actions will present, focusing on best practices in their respective fields of interest, and discuss on lessons learnt and challenges to […]
The Final Meeting of JANE-Joint Action on Networks of Expertise is being organised on 24th and 25th September 2024 in Brussels, Belgium, with the participation of all JANE partners. The meeting times are scheduled as follows: 24th September 2024 Final Meeting 10:00-18:00 CEST 25th September 2024 Final Meeting at European Parliament 10:00-12:00 CEST Attached you will find the programme of the meetings.