The EU Joint Action on Networks of Expertise on cancer (JANE-2) started on November 1st 2024 with the signature of the Grant Agreement (GAP-101183265) between the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) and 29 beneficiaries from 25 Member States and 4 Associated Countries. The consortium includes 121 partners (competent authorities and their associated entities) and is coordinated by Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (INT), Italy. The duration of the Joint Action is four years (2024 – 2028). Based on the outcomes of JANE, JANE-2 is aiming at building seven Networks of Expertise (NoEs) that will cover the cancer areas of complex and poor-prognosis cancers, palliative care, survivorship, personalized primary/secondary prevention, omic technologies, hi-tech medical resources, adolescents and young adults with cancer. JANE-2 will provide NoEs, already envisaged in the context of JANE, the means to develop and fulfill their mission to the benefit of European citizens.