JANE seeks to enhance the effectiveness of European joint efforts to tackle cancer by interacting with relevant Joint Actions (JAs), networks and fora.
Among others, it will closely collaborate with JA-03 “CRANE” and with current ERNs on rare cancers (EURACAN, EuroBloodNet, GENTURIS and PaedCAN), in an attempt to maximize the value of past and ongoing networking experiences and harmonize the new NoEs as much as possible with other EU networks.
In parallel, a stakeholder anal ysis will be performed, analyzing the target groups by WPs and developing key messages and communication channels for each target group.
The analysis will result in the map of key messages distinguishing information granularity needed for at least three different communication pathways as to their content and style, i.e.:
(1) health care professionals, including professional providers and related societies;
(2) patients and their relatives, support groups as well as general public;
(3) policy makers and local/regional political authorities and institutions.
All the above stakeholders will be called to get involved in certain JANE activities, in due time, through appropriate tools i.e. surveys, tailor-made questionnaires. This involvement is expected to assist in the accomplishment of JANE’s objectives and maximize the effectiveness of European joint efforts against cancer.