
European Week Against Cancer (EWAC), 25-31 May 2023

The present and future of the fight against cancer in Europe – All individuals and cancer and health-focused organisations are invited to join #EWAC2023 and let their voices be heard in the fight against cancer in Europe.

JANE – Joint Action on Networks of Expertise, Kick-off meeting

The Kick-Off Meeting opened with an introduction by the Coordinator, Paolo Casali and Giovanni Nicoletti from the Italian Ministry of Health, followed by a round of presentations by the Beneficiaries present, together with a brief outline of each country’s team of Affiliated Entities. Matthias Schuppe from the European Commission stressed the importance of creating synergies and cross-cutting themes within Europe’s Beating Cancer Plane and the need to collaborate with the sister Joint Actions CraNE and eCAN with a view to sharing expertise and resources, working together and supporting each other. The ultimate goal is to enable patients across the EU to benefit from greater knowledge and more accessible services.

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